Using two pairs of tongs, transfer the ribs to a baking sheet and broil each side on high for 5-7 minutes until charred to your liking.
For Saucy Ribs
Prepare the barbecue sauce: Combine all ingredients (except salt) in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool. Season with salt to taste.
Follow steps 1-6 for dry rub ribs.
Using two pairs of tongs, transfer the ribs to a baking sheet. Brush barbecue sauce on the bone side of the ribs, place the tray on the lowest rack in the oven, and broil on high for 5 minutes.
Flip, sauce the meaty side, and broil for an additional 5 minutes.
Expert Tips
Remove the Silver Membrane: This step is essential for tender, flavorful ribs. Use a knife to lift the edge and peel it away. Removing the silver membrane allows the ribs to absorb more flavor, become more tender, and make the ribs easier to cut and eat.
Season Generously: Rub the spice blend onto both sides of the ribs for maximum flavor.
Use a Trivet: Keeps the ribs elevated above the apple cider for even cooking.
Natural Pressure Release: Prevents the meat from toughening by allowing the pressure to release gradually. According to this article by The Kitchn, you should use a natural release when cooking meat.
Watch the Broiler: Keep a close eye on the ribs while broiling to prevent burning.
For Extra Smoky Flavor: Add a teaspoon of liquid smoke to the apple cider.
Can I use frozen ribs? No. They will not fit in the Instant Pot. You can see in the process shots above that both racks of ribs are curled to fit inside the pot, which is not possible with frozen ribs. If you have frozen ribs, you must take the time to thaw them. This article from has information on thawing frozen ribs quickly.Are these beef or pork ribs? Anytime you see “baby back ribs,” it refers to pork. This article from Spices Inc. is a great reference for information on different kinds of ribs.Do you use apple cider or apple cider vinegar? Apple cider, not apple cider vinegar. Our grocery store carries it year-round. We find it near the OJ.Can I substitute something else for the apple cider? Apple juice, water, or broth would work. For a little extra flavor, you can also add a teaspoon of liquid smoke.How long will it take to do a natural pressure release? Times can vary. It typically takes about 20-30 minutes.